
HLA Genotyped Kit Supplier

Product name: HLA Genotyped kit
Description of HLA genotyped kit
The HLA Genotyping kits are based on a Sequence Specific Primer analysis. They have been designed for typing of HLA related genes .
The HLA Genotyping kits allow the user to amplifly DNA samples through PCR. PCR products can be detected by electrophoresis and they can be judged by comparing them to the standard HLA patterns, included in the kit.
More about:HLA Genotyped kit online


Provide High Quality Anti-N

Product name: Anti-N
Description of Anti-N:
Anti-N contains monoclonal IgG antibodies to detect the presence of the N antigen on red blood cells.
Anti-N monoclonal phenotyping reagent is used for phenotyping of red blood cells using direct techniques and is validated for use by tube technique
More about:Anti-N

Sell Good Quality Anti-P1

Product name: Anti-P1
Description of Anti-P1:
Anti-P1 blood grouping reagent contains mouse monoclonal IgM antibodies prepared from the cell line, Clone 650, diluted in a solution containing sodium chloride and bovine albumin. The reagent is supplied at optimal dilution for use with all recommended techniques stated below without the need for further dilution or addition.
More about:Anti-P1

Antihumanglobulin Reagent Seller

Product name: Antihumanglobulin Reagent
Description of Antihumanglobulin Reagent:
In the indirect antiglobulin tests,Anti human globulin reagent is used to detect antibodies adsorbed to the red blood cells in vitro.
Anti human globulin reagent is useful for compatibility testing ,antibody detection,antibody identification,umbilical cord red blood testing.
Anti human globulin is a balanced ready to use blend of highly purified immunoglobulins.
More about:Antihumanglobulin Reagent

Exporter of Polybrene Kits

Product name: Polybrene Kits
Description of Polybrene Kits:
Polybrene is a cationic agent that facilitates "sticking" of virus to the cell membrane. However, this results in heavy cell death of PC12s, so I use polybrene at 3 ug/ml with this line. Without polybrene, they infect very, very poorly, so I suggest using it in all infections.
Inspection principle:It  is a condensed high salt cationic polyphosphate
More about:Polybrene Kits

Qualified ABO Blood Typing Reagent Cell(Red Blood Cell)

Product name: ABO Blood Typing Reagent Cell(Red Blood Cell)
Description of ABO Blood Typing Reagent Cell(Red Blood Cell) :
ABO Blood Typing Reagent Cell(Red Blood Cell) is suitable for people to go on agaisting styling of ABO blood group,to Inspect ABO antibody in the serum.
More about:ABO Blood Typing Reagent Cell(Red Blood Cell)online


Supply Anti-M

Product name: Anti-M
Anti-M antibodies are diluted in a isotonic saline solution containing bovine albumin and macromolecular potentiators.
It is used principally in the resolution of antibody problems or in family studies.
More about: Anti-M

Anti H for Best Sale

Product name: Anti H
Anti-H Lectin blood grouping reagent is prepared from an extract of Ulex europaeus seeds, diluted with a sodium chloride solution containing bovine albumin. The reagent is supplied at optimal dilution for use with all recommended techniques stated below without the need for further dilution or addition.
More about:Anti H

How to Store Anti-D Monoclonal IgM(Monoclonal Antibody)

Product name: Anti-D Monoclonal IgM(Monoclonal Antibody)
Description of Anti-D Monoclonal IgM(Monoclonal Antibody ) :
Storage:Do not freeze.Reagent vials should be stored at 2-8 on receipt.Prolonged storage at temperatures outside this range may result in accelerated loss of reagent reactivity.
More about:Anti-D Monoclonal IgM(Monoclonal Antibody)

Offer Qualified Anti-D (IgG) at Best Price

Product name: Anti-D (IgG)
Anti-D is made from a part of the blood called plasma that is collected from donors.
Anti-D works by destroying any RhD positive blood from the baby present in the mother's circulation before she can make her own antibodies. This means that the mother does not have the antibodies available to cause HDN in her future pregnancies.
More about:Anti-D (IgG) on line


Anti-M antibody in pregnancy

Product name: Anti-M
: Anti-M antibody is an uncommon cause of hemolytic disease of the newborn. When anti-M, IgG optimally reactive at 37 degrees C, is identified in the maternal blood, the paternal blood must be checked for the presence of M antigen. If the father has M antigen the fetus may be at risk. Since there is no documented body of experience that titers of anti-M predict severity of disease, our recommendation is that amniotic fluid bilirubin studies be done, in spite of the fact that only one prior case of hemolytic disease due to anti-M was found reported from the United States. Anti-M is an unpredictable antibody and serial antibody titers are not reliable. After delivery the infant's MN antigen status should be determined, because a negative direct Coombs' test may be found even when M antigen is present in the infant and hemolysis is occurring. Further studies are needed to determine the clinical impact of anti-M antibody on unrecognized hemolytic disease of the newborn.
More about:Anti-M


Sell Qualified Anti-c(RH4)

Product name: Anti-c(RH4)
Description:Anti-c (RH4) is used to determine the red cell antigen c.
More about: Anti-c(RH4) on line