
Anti-M antibody in pregnancy

Product name: Anti-M
: Anti-M antibody is an uncommon cause of hemolytic disease of the newborn. When anti-M, IgG optimally reactive at 37 degrees C, is identified in the maternal blood, the paternal blood must be checked for the presence of M antigen. If the father has M antigen the fetus may be at risk. Since there is no documented body of experience that titers of anti-M predict severity of disease, our recommendation is that amniotic fluid bilirubin studies be done, in spite of the fact that only one prior case of hemolytic disease due to anti-M was found reported from the United States. Anti-M is an unpredictable antibody and serial antibody titers are not reliable. After delivery the infant's MN antigen status should be determined, because a negative direct Coombs' test may be found even when M antigen is present in the infant and hemolysis is occurring. Further studies are needed to determine the clinical impact of anti-M antibody on unrecognized hemolytic disease of the newborn.
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